هویت اجتماعی جامعه مدنی با تکیه بر فرآیند تاریخ نگاری سوره بقره

علی سعیدی

Volume 4, Issue 2 , January 2024, , Pages 19-40


  سوره بقره بنا بر ادله تاریخ نگاری، نخستین سوره ای است که پس از هجرت در مدینه نازل شده که تنوع و گستردگی موضوعات در این سوره، سبب شد که نزول دو ساله ای به فاصله سال های اول ...  Read More

The Dimension of Situation and its Role in the Semantics of Surah Tawbah based on Jacques Augustine Berque's Theory of Order

Ali Saeedi

Volume 3, Issue 2 , January 2023, , Pages 85-101


  Surah At-Tawbah has a variety of subjects and apparently is fragmentary and irregular; but based on the dimension of the situation, which is the same sociological issues and culture of the era of the revelation of the surah; it is understandable and has a coherent meaning with a clear language. Based ...  Read More