Bi-Quarterly Quran and Religious Enlightenment

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom, University of Meybod, Iran.

2 PhD of Shi'a Studies, University of Religions and Islamic Denominators, Iran.


The infallibility of Imams (AS) is one of the true beliefs of Shiites, for the Imam is the messenger of God and the guardian of the Divine religion. This fundamental belief has been disputed and challenged by the Shiite opponents, among them are the misconceptions raised by Dr. Qaffārī. His doubts include, for instance, the doubt that this belief has been innovative concerning its background, the rejection of Shiite reasons for infallibility regarding the Qur'an and intellect, and the fruitlessness of this belief for Shi’a. This study, first, deals with the doubts of Qaffārī about infallibility and then answers the doubts and objections raised in this regard, relying on the verses of the Holy Qur’an and Shiite and Sunni commentaries. Referring to the Holy Qur'an, it is proved that the subject of infallibility is mixed with the position of Imamate and succession. Accordingly, the source of division among the Islamic Ummah is the lack of belief in the infallibility of the Messenger of God (PBUH) and his successors, which has caused seditions and disputes since the death of the Prophet (PBUH) until now. As a result, to come out of the current conditions of the Islamic world, Muslims should believe in the necessity of obeying the Infallible 'Ul al-'Amr.


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