Bi-Quarterly Quran and Religious Enlightenment

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 Associat Professor D epartment of Quranic Sciences, University of Quranic Sciences and Education

2 PhD Candidate of Imam Sadeq University, Tehran, Iran.


“Individualization” (Tafarrud), a fundamental principle of education, means that a person, despite similarities with his fellows, has psychological characteristics and unique abilities that distinguish him from others. It is important to pay attention to this principle in identifying the talents and abilities of people and their proper direction for correct education. This article investigates the role of the principle of "individualization" in education from the perspective of the Qur’an and Hadith and examines its position in education based on a descriptive-analytical method. Findings show that the differences between people are divided into two categories, individual and group differences, and for individual differences, there are two concepts of inter-individual and intra-individual differences. People have inter-individual differences in terms of faith, knowledge, talents and abilities, emotions, and feelings. In addition, in terms of differences in abilities and talents in a person, they have intra-individual differences. Also, there are social differences in terms of social position, gender, geographical location, etc., so that paying attention to these differences is effective in the formation of correct education. Therefore, in educational matters, in order to achieve educational goals, attention should be paid to individual and social differences.


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